From B2B and B2C to B2F (Business to Family)…
How can you be sure you are training one person? Maybe it’s time to sell some services to households…
Bite Size thoughts from Dr. Constantine “Dino” Kiritsis, Founder StudySmart & ICDE, PwC
I got the idea of writing this after I realized a few weeks ago that one of my online training sessions was followed by about 5 people! At some point when the candidate I was teaching opened his camera, I saw the whole household following. Children, wife and grandparents. For all I know, 4 out of 5 got a free ride! Who knows how many have been doing the same, especially during the Covid19 era… Before Covid it was quite more difficult as people were AT the workplace and it was not as feasible. But now, everyone is at home sharing the bill.
In terms of school teaching, parents got a free ride in listening in on what the teachers had to say during classes to their children. And – as is the case for every parent in the world – they (we) had a chance to comment, judge and evaluate, more than they (we) used to, as they (we) always ‘knew everything’ about education… They were doing this even before they had access, one can imagine after they got a chance to listen in…
I haven’t yet heard of Business to Family (B2F) so I would like to coin the term. After B2B and B2C, maybe some services like education need to think about households a bit more? Maybe for something extra we could offer access for all at home the same way each family has cloud sharing for their music…
In any case, food for thought. Will be back soon with a more concise B2F analysis…